Deliver Products Efficiently

Rolling out new ideas to customers ASAP to get feedback is super important, but it can be unclear how to validate an idea in the fastest manner. It is equally important to pick what you care about, so that your new idea remains uncluttered and on point.

The best feedback comes from customers interacting with a product or feature. User research will only bring you so far. The best understanding of your Product-Market fit comes from real interactions with customers. Building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that gives you valuable data is an art, as is scoping the right MVP.

Why go for an MVP approach?

MVPs can give you a huge step towards Product-Market fit, but testing your product idea most quickly requires complex trade-offs, such as:

  1. There is an opportunity cost in developing a new idea; you aren’t working on optimising an existing product. 

  2. You have to validate a new idea quickly with a minimum of financial and brand risk. 

  3. You need to understand what your main hypothesis behind the new idea is. What will prove that the product can gain good traction?

An MVP approach allows you to test your product idea with a small group of real users and gather valuable feedback on the product's performance and user experience before investing significant resources into development. This approach not only helps you validate your product idea, but also reduces the financial risk associated with launching a new business or product.

How can New Day help?

With over two decades of experience in digital product design, we have developed a proven method to ensure that the first release of your product is not only cost-effective, but also addresses the needs and pain points of your target audience.

At New Day, we provide comprehensive support for all aspects of your digital business. Whether you need assistance with the initial development of your MVP or a dedicated team to take your business to the next level, we have the expertise, experience, and network to help you succeed.

Our goal is not only to help you achieve your objectives, but also to empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to continue growing and evolving your business long after our involvement has ended. We define success as imparting our knowledge and expertise to ensure your business is set up for continued success. That way, you have the tools to scale without us.