We Innovate and Disrupt to speed your growth

When the business model does not generate the necessary revenue and the organisation isn’t seeing a strong growth projection, you need to find something new without killing the current revenue streams. The old playbook is no longer enough and you may need new tools.

Moving to a newer, digital model, or pivoting your whole business can be tantalising or an existential imperative.  We love starting conversations with companies who are at this stage. 

Change can be intimidating…

As organisms, we don’t love change. It often carries the perception of opportunity cost and can indeed be slow and wasteful. A well-implemented approach will decrease risk, but the magic, as always, lies in the doing. How can you make success more likely and how can we start with what is already here?

Whether it is building a platform from 0 to millions of MAUs or putting mature companies on a path toward digital profitability, we have done it all.

New Day can help…

We understand the internal and external complexities associated with digitalisation and pivots and can navigate these with you, coaching and teaching from scrum teams to your Board.  Whether you need to launch a new brand, build an MVP, or find new revenue and customer groups, New Day can guide you.

We take a sustainable approach. We believe that external partners should bring long-term value without making a company dependent on them. Much of our ‘modus operandi’ relies on bringing the results-oriented methodology and toolkit that we have developed over years to your teams and tailoring it to your unique needs. That way, you have the tools to scale without us.